Why Do Lex? — The Lex Fellowship
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The Lex Fellowship is excited to announce that we are now part of CEA CAPA Education Abroad, a leading provider of study abroad programs and international internships. Learn more.


 Why Do Lex?



What is Lex Law Immersion?

Lex Law Immersion is a unique, time-tested model developed with dozens of law firm partners around the globe. When compared with regular study abroad or typical legal internship experience, Lex Law Immersion has far greater depth, breadth, and intercultural perspective, and takes place over college breaks.

Lex Legal Associate advising Lex students (Rome, Italy)


Experiences outside of the classroom can be distinguishing factors among many highly qualified applicants, particularly at highly selective law schools, and for candidates whose GPA and/or LSAT score make them borderline applicants."

Princeton (not an endorsement)


Lex students during a law firm visit (Rome, Italy)

At a Glance

The Only Program Tailored for Pre-Law

Unlike typical study abroad programs, The Lex Fellowship is the the only summer travel program tailored for pre-law. With Lex’s Law Immersion model, fellows rotate through different law firms in different practice areas each day, meeting lawyers, learning pertinent information about each practice area, and real life cases.

While being guided through law firm visits by a Legal Associate (with a U.S. JD background), students get the opportunity to travel abroad while gaining first hand legal experience. Foreign language skills aren’t required.

Top 3 Reasons To Participate in a Lex Pre-Law Program:

#1: Travel to One (or More) Exciting Locations

Studying abroad is great for many reasons. Developing awareness of other cultures, gaining new perspectives, and getting out of your comfort zone are all great reasons.

Lex Fellows learn about various types of legal fields, see how legal systems vary across the globe, and gain an international perspective of the U.S. legal system.

Lex program participants (Madrid, Spain)


Lex Legal Associate providing 1L training & resources (Spain)

#2: Understand the Life of a Lawyer

The Lex law firm visits give Lex students an insight on what the day to day life of lawyers looks like. During each firm visit, Lex students meet with attorneys, learn directly from them about the nature of their work and specific area of legal practice.

The attorneys will then provide any pertinent background information the students need before presenting a real-world case, usually one the attorneys have worked on themselves, for the students to analyze with guidance from the Legal Associate.


#3: Standout on Law School Applications

Studying abroad with the Lex Fellowship adds variety and depth to your legal experience, thus making you a more competitive law school candidate. Plus, the Lex Law Immersion model helps students focus on improving in American Bar Associate core competency areas.

Top schools such as Harvard and Cornell (and many others) warn against focusing so much on legal experience and extracurriculars that it negatively impacts your GPA. Therefore, it is very important to focus on your grades and courses during semesters. Since Lex is such a unique experience and is held during academic breaks, students are able to focus more on their GPA during the academic school year.

Lex student on program (Rome, Italy)

25 More Reasons To Do It

"It is critical for you to learn as much as possible about law school before you get there to determine if this environment is a match for your skills and goals." - Penn State (not an endorsement)

 Watch Video: The Lex Experience